how can you

Support FestivALL

FestivALL relies on the generosity of our community to ensure the future success of our events and programs. Here are a few ways to be a part of the FestivALL support team:

FeastivALL Fundraiser

FestivALL’s annual fundraiser– This dinner and silent auction has raised thousands of dollars in support of FestivALL’s mission and was a key part of the initial success and funding of FestivALL Fall. Each year, FeastivALL has welcomed a sell-out crowd to Berry Hills Country Club.

Friends of FestivALL

Becoming a Friend of FestivALL helps to ensure the future of the FestivALL mission to create, produce and present vibrant arts experiences and entertainment opportunities, and also serve as a catalyst for others in the community to do the same.


Being a FestivALL sponsor is an effective way to both support the FestivALL mission and market your own business. We love getting creative to explore opportunities to best engage your target audience. Lets design a sponsor packet that work for you and your business!