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Can YOU solve the riddles?

5 local artists have hidden their artistic treasures around Charleston!

To start, follow FestivALL Charleston’s Facebook Page and Instagram Page.

Every day at 8am from October 16-20, FestivALL will post a HINT as to where to find the artwork.

If you can figure out the location based on the riddle and get there first, the artwork is yours!

Every artwork has the artist’s social media information with it!

Make sure to post your artwork and tag the artist, FestivALL Charleston (Facebook) and @festivall_cwv (Instagram) to show us your new treasure!

Day 1: October 16

Clue: Capitol’s Mark on Freshness
Charleston-based artist Matt Smith specializes in a mix of realism and imaginative creations as both a painter and illustrator.
You can find his work at www.mattsmithmakes.com or by checking out his page @mattsmithmakes.

Day 2: October 17

Clue: This horned city is clearly out of this world for reading.
With her company, Bashful Bee Press, Lindsay Emmite uses inspiration from nature and pop culture to create her pieces.
You can find her work by visiting @bashfulbeepress.

Day 3: October 18

Clue: Just like a stray dog to chase this one up a tree.
Artist Jake Fertig from Charleston is a versatile master of many mediums, including sculpture, animation, filmmaking, and education.
You can find his work by checking out his page @jakefertig.

Day 4: October 19


Day 5: October 20


Have a few minutes to help us out? We’d love to hear from you! Take our survey below – and of course want to hear more about any event ideas and what you’d like to see at future FestivALL events!

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